Understanding Leverage and Margin of Perpetual Futures on LBank

LBank Exchange
4 min readOct 3, 2023


Understanding Leverage and Margin of Perpetual Futures on LBank

Leverage and margin are fundamental concepts in the world of trading, particularly in the realm of perpetual futures contracts. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate details of these concepts, with a specific focus on LBank, a prominent trading platform that offers traders the opportunity to navigate the crypto markets with leverage. Leverage, margin, and their implications are vital for traders seeking to amplify their exposure to the market, potentially leading to increased profits but also accentuating the risks associated with trading.

What is Leverage?

1Leverage, in its essence, is the trader’s ability to borrow funds from a given trading platform to increase their exposure to the market. It allows traders to control a more substantial position with a relatively smaller amount of capital. For instance, consider a scenario where you wish to trade Bitcoin futures with a notional value of $30,000, but you have only $200 in your trading account. By utilizing leverage, you can effectively borrow the remaining $29800 from your exchange platform, allowing you to control a more substantial position than your initial capital would permit.

How Leverage Works

The mechanics of leverage lie in the concept of margin. Margin represents the amount a trader needs to provide based on the chosen leverage ratio. When you select a leverage ratio, you’re essentially specifying the amount of margin you are willing to put up for the trade. The broker then covers the rest of the position. This margin acts as collateral, securing the position and covering potential losses.

For example, if you opt for a 10:1 leverage ratio and want to buy one Bitcoin priced at $30,000, you need to commit $3,000 as margin. Your trading platform would cover the remaining $27,000. This arrangement enables you to control a Bitcoin position with only $3,000 of your own funds.

Once you have established your leverage size, the next step is to conduct a thorough analysis to identify optimal entry positions. In leverage trading, an entry position can either be a buy, anticipating an upward movement in the asset’s price, or a sell, expecting a decline. It is crucial to perform meticulous analysis and evaluate various factors before initiating a trade.

Leverage and Notional Value

The concept of leverage is closely tied to the notional value of your position. Simply put, the notional value represents the total value of your trade, and it determines the leverage available to you. As a general rule, the larger your position, the lower the leverage you can employ. LBank Futures utilizes a system where initial margin deposits are calculated based on the leverage you choose.

It’s important to note that as a trader, you have the autonomy to select your desired leverage. This choice will dictate the initial margin requirement for your trade. In cases where a trader fails to specify their preferred leverage, the default setting is typically at 20x. The relationship between leverage and notional size is inverse. Higher leverage translates to a smaller notional size, while lower leverage allows you access to a larger notional size.

Choosing the Right Leverage

Selecting an appropriate leverage ratio is a critical decision for traders. The ideal leverage level depends on various factors, including the size of your trading account, the margin required, free margin available in your account, your account level (which may affect the offers available to you), and other considerations like margin calls and stop-outs.

It’s important to note that using the maximum available leverage or high leverage is typically reserved for professional traders. For beginners and ordinary traders, it’s advisable to opt for lower leverage levels. Most successful traders rarely use leverage higher than 5:1, and they tend to stay around 3:1 on average.

The choice of leverage should also consider market conditions, asset volatility, and the specific position you’re opening. Implementing a risk management strategy, including the use of stop-loss orders, is crucial to protect your capital. Even the most skilled traders can face adverse market movements, making stop-loss orders an essential tool in mitigating risks.

Understanding Maintenance Margin on LBank

Maintenance margin calculations on LBank Futures employ a “Tax Bracket” setup. This means that the calculation process for maintenance margin remains consistent, regardless of the selected leverage. Transitioning between different leverage brackets will not impact the leverage assigned to the earlier bracket.

One noteworthy aspect of LBank’s maintenance margin is that it is remarkably favorable to the trader. In most cases, the maintenance margin is significantly less than half of the initial margin, resulting in a far more favorable liquidation price than what is typically seen in other exchanges. In essence, this means that traders are provided with a substantial safety net, as their positions are less likely to be forcefully liquidated due to maintenance margin constraints.

It is important to underline that the maintenance margin requirement is always less than 50% of the initial margin. This substantial benefit offers traders an extra layer of protection against involuntary liquidations, which can be detrimental to their trading positions. Therefore, it is highly advisable for traders to exercise vigilance and consider closing out positions when their collateral approaches the maintenance margin threshold, preventing the risk of auto-liquidation.

Wrapping Up

Understanding leverage and margin is crucial for anyone involved in trading, especially in the realm of perpetual futures contracts on platforms like LBank. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions than their initial capital, potentially increasing profits but simultaneously also intensifying losses. It’s essential to choose leverage wisely, considering factors like account size, market conditions, and the risk of over-leveraging.

Successful traders typically opt for lower leverage levels, rarely exceeding 5:1, and implement robust risk management strategies, including stop-loss orders.

Disclaimer: Derivatives are often volatile, and this can be a risky investment. The information provided in this article is solely for educational purposes and shouldn’t be regarded as financial advice.

