LBank Crypto Market Daily (Mar 10)

LBank Exchange
3 min readMar 10, 2021



The intraday high of BTC was at 54,793 yesterday and the lowest is at 50,550. It suffered rejection at around 58k in the short term, and retraced to 52k for support. Traders are advised to make short covering when the price pull back to around 53k today.


ETH had a daily high of 1,859.13 yesterday and the lowest was at 1,722.38. The relative resistance level was from 1,900 to 2,000 with a quite strong support level at 1,650. As the general market token down the hurdle, it is recommend to make short covering when the price trace back to around 1.7k.


The daily of BCH was 547.07 and lowest was 515.81. The resistance and support level was 550 and 520 respectively. It is expected a rising trend though lagging behind the general market. Traders are advised to enter when the price pull back to the support level today.


The daily high of XRP was 0.48732 yesterday with the lowest being 0.46983. The resistance and support level was at 0.5000 and 0.3900 respectively. It is still not advised to enter due to the high risk.


The daily high of DOT was 36.67 yesterday with the lowest being 33.85. The resistance level was at 42 in the short term. Traders are advised to buy a small amount of position when the price pull back to around 36 and expect a new ATH.


The daily high of UNI was 34.76 yesterday with the lowest being 32.60. The resistance and support level was at around 36 and 30.5 respectively. Though the rising trend continues, traders are still advised to sell limit.


The intraday high of LINK was at 31.99 yesterday and the lowest is at 30.39. It suffered rejection at around 35 amid intense selling pressure, and retraced to 27 where support was strong. The long term trend remains bullish. Traders are advised to make short covering when the price trace back to the support level.

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